Ah, the garbage disposal – that magical kitchen sink companion that grinds and gobbles up leftovers like a champ. But did you know there are some things even this kitchen wizard shouldn’t eat? Here at Turner Plumbing, we’ve seen all sorts of disposal disasters, so let’s dive into the fun and funky world of what should never go down your disposal.

1. The Mighty Coffee Grounds – Brewed for Trouble You might think that coffee grounds, being so fine, would just slip right through. But alas, they clump together, creating a sludgy mess that can clog your pipes faster than you can say “double espresso.” Instead, toss those grounds in the garden; they’re great for composting!

2. Pasta and Rice – Expand Your Menu, Not Your Pipes Who doesn’t love a good spaghetti night? However, pasta and rice are like sponges; they expand with water, even after cooking. Down the disposal, they can swell up and cause a blockage that’ll make you wish you’d ordered takeout instead.

3. Bones and Fruit Pits – The Hard Truth Your disposal is tough, but it’s not invincible. Chicken bones or that tough avocado pit might seem like a challenge the disposal can handle, but these hard items can dull the blades or get stuck, leading to a jam session you didn’t want in your sink.

4. Fibrous Veggies – The Stringy Saboteurs Celery, pumpkin, and asparagus have fibers that can wrap around the disposal’s blades like a mummy. This not only stops the motor but can lead to some pretty epic plumbing quests to untangle the mess. Paper towels might seem like a good idea at the time, but they’re not much better.

5. Grease and Oil – The Slippery Slope It might seem liquid enough when hot, but grease and oil solidify as they cool, coating your pipes like a bad paint job. Over time, this can lead to clogs that’ll make you regret every bacon strip you’ve ever loved. Pour it into a can and dispose of it in the trash instead.
Remember, while your garbage disposal can handle a lot, it’s not an all-you-can-eat buffet. Treat it kindly, and it’ll keep your kitchen running smoothly.

But if you’ve accidentally sent any of these no-nos down the chute or if your disposal is making sounds like a rock band practicing in your sink, don’t fret! Just give Turner Plumbing a call at 904-396-7044. Our team of experts is ready to tackle any garbage disposal gaffe or plumbing pickle you might encounter. Keep your kitchen happy, and let’s keep those pipes clear together!